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Why Small Businesses Need A Website

A major component of any new business is its website. In this digital age, a company’s website is an essential part of what will become its online presence. A main touchpoint of this presence, the website is the main place where users can learn about, engage with, and develop a relationship with the brand.

A Good Website Provides:

Let’s consider a few of the specifics of why small businesses need a website.

Visibility and Reach

The internet is a continually evolving revolution. There is nothing that comes close to its size or unfettered growth year over year. As of 2023, an estimated 5.3 billion people are using the internet in some part of their daily lives, that’s an astounding 65% of the global population. Here in the U.S., there are an estimated 311 million people who use the internet in some form. That is a staggering 96% usage rate.

A steady influx of new customers is at the core of every business. With 96% of this country online, a website is an obvious solution for helping grow a new business. Simply put, it’s where the people are. Where else can your marketing efforts reach such a large audience?

Of course, with such a large usage rate there is bound to be a lot of competition out there, but utilizing sound search engine optimization principles, a clear content strategy, and meaningful content on your website can put a website in front of the right people.

Credibility and Professionalism

Have you ever asked a professional for their email address and they hand you back an @aol or @yahoo email address? What is the impression that leaves on you? Do you take them seriously?

When a small business has a professional-looking website it says something about a company’s credibility and how serious they are about the work they’re doing. A well-designed and built website begins to instill trust in prospective clients, and when people are thinking about using a company for the first time, trust is everything.

According to a study[1] done by Edelman, a global communications firm, 67% of people identify that they need to trust a company before they will use (and continue to use) their services. A well-built and professional-looking website is core to building that trust.

Visibility of Products and Services

Our products and/or services are our business’s lifeblood. Without these components, we don’t even have a business. A well-designed, clearly written website is like having a full-time salesperson working for you 24/7.

Prospective clients or customers are able to access a company’s website at any hour of the day, learning about what services/products are offered — furthering themselves along the buying cycle. A clearly written website can literally secure your company business while you sleep.

Transparency and Point of Contact

The internet and social media have lifted the veil of obscurity off the dusty old corporation and placed them front and center for everyone to see. The average consumer wants transparency from the companies and brands they choose to purchase from. They want instant or near-instant access when they need it. This is essential to the customer experience (CX).

An up-to-date website means that you are providing your potential and current client base with access when they need to share their needs or concerns. Website pages are filled with up-to-date information, giving customers visibility into what the company is up to and what their brand is all about.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Many business owners look at their website as if it is just one more thing they need to check off their list of things to do. We’ve even had clients who think of their website as, “…just something I need to have. It never makes me any money.” That’s a shame.

A well-designed, well-written website will become a lead generator. It will create interest in your work and services and be a reliable marketing resource that provides access to interested people who want to know what it is you do.

Most often, when a company is not getting an ROI on their website there are very clear reasons for it. Most often the small business has tried to cut cost corners by hiring a relative or a cheap service to design the site, or their products or services are so poorly described that they miss out on real opportunities or the content is so old that search engines see no real relevance in the services described.

Take the Time

We’ve covered a lot of territory and talked about a wide variety of reasons why small businesses need a website. The upshot of all of this is that a reliable, well-designed website is the cornerstone of a business’s marketing plan. For most companies, their website will be the largest, most concentrated tool used for selling products and services to those who are looking to buy. When it’s ignored or not given the proper amount of time and focus it results in lost sales — something no business owner can afford to have.


[1] 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report